78 Days

Today is a big day in our household. Today is day 78 of us having the twins home from the hospital. Weird number, right? Well, they spent exactly 78 days IN the hospital, and it feels pretty monumental to have had them home the exact same amount of time they were in lock up  the hospital. Of course, we celebrated the day with diaper changes, feedings, tummy time, back time, and cookies…

It’s difficult to sum up what’s happened in the past 78 days, and someone asked me recently what we do all day, so here’s my summary. Seventy-eight days with twins home equals:

930 Wet diapers

105 Poopy diapers

2614.8 Ounces (or 20.43 gallons) of breastmilk in (as in, ingested by babies)

4302.3 Ounces (or 33.61 gallons) of breastmilk out (as in out of my body via pump)

43 Hours spent nursing

211.88 Hours spent pumping

50 Baths

Too many smiles to count. Too many hours snuggling to count.

So there you have it…that’s what we’ve been doing for the past 78 days and we wouldn’t have it ANY other way.

I’ll leave you with two videos, one of Neala and one of Rylan. I’ve been taking 4 photos of each of them each week since they’ve been home  (I wish I’d started when they were born, but oh well), and here’s a compilation of each of them. So this is week 12 to 22 for each kiddo.


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