Sometimes It’s Embarrassing to Be Me

Earlier this evening I played in a soccer game. I feel like I’m a pretty competent player most of the time, but lately, I seem to have lost my touch a bit. Maybe it’s because I left for a year to have twins and have done virtually nothing (aside from binge watching all the TV shows I can think of) since last June. Yeah, that’s probably it. Well, tonight was no different from that last few Monday nights, where I felt like I’m just not quite as skilled as I was a year ago. At one point I kicked the ball and it actually hit me in the face. Yes, I kicked the ball into my own face. I have no idea how. Oh well, good thing I’m not in the World Cup. Anyway, it was pretty embarrassing and it got me thinking about other embarrassing moments in my life and I’d love, love, love to share two of my most embarrassing moments of all time! Lucky you!

As most of you know by now, I grew up at summer camp (if you didn’t know, read this post, or this section), and the two most embarrassing moments of my life happened during the summer, at camp. When I was camp age, during the second part of the summer I was not technically a “camper” and I just sort of cruised around the camp acting like my parents owned the place…oh, wait…they did. My brothers and I were the only kids around with bikes, and that was pretty freaking cool. We could get anywhere, and fast! One day, when I was about 12 I was cruising around on my bike, feeling all bad (if you’re from NM, you’ll know how to correctly say “all bad,” if not, watch this video or this video.) and I was near the front pond. One corner of the pond had some railroad ties stacked up basically to keep the path from collapsing into the pond. The fish in the pond liked to congregate in that little corner and I was checking them out as I was riding by. I slowed down just enough to put my right foot on the railroad ties and then, as if in slow motion, my foot slipped and my bike and I tumbled into the pond! Keep in mind, this was not a fancy pond, it was dark and murky, with a thick muddy bottom, no filtration system, no plastic lining, this was the real deal, real nasty pond. I was covered in mud and water and was so very, very embarrassed as I rode my bike as fast as I could home to shower and change. Ick. So, there’s embarrassing story number one.

Embarrassing story number two was several years later when I was about 17. I was on the staff at camp at that point in time, but was just a dishwasher so wasn’t responsible for any campers. It was the night of one of the dances. I can’t remember exactly what the theme was, but I was wearing some very tight bellbottoms, a kids sized Brush Ranch sweatshirt (one of the REALLY old ones that was printed in yellow and brown), and some giant purple suede clogs that my grandmother bought me (that I still have because I just can’t bring myself to get rid of them). In the middle of the dance we always stopped for snack time and everyone would gather in their cabin groups and sit on the floor and wait to be called up for snack. (Snack on dance nights was candy, and it was awesome!) So, it was at this point in the night and everyone was  sitting on the floor waiting to be called up to get their candy, the lights were on full blast and the room was very quite. I decided that this was the best time for me to leave the dance for a little while and walked out like my parents owned the place. I reached the top step of the exit, again, feeling all bad, and again, as if in slow motion, completely and totally fell off my purple suede clogs and TUMBLED down the three steps out of the entry way with the ENTIRE camp watching. Yikes.

I know now that I’m not all bad, just a klutz sometimes and I really shouldn’t have been walking around like my parents owned the place because clearly, it was my downfall more than once!

I’d love to hear your latest and greatest embarrassing story, camp related or not! Do share!

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